Ngữ âm – Bài 3FREETiếng Anh FA 1. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: Adequ<ate>, Rot<ate>, Deb<ate>, Congratul<ate? C. Debate B. Rotate D. Congratulate A. Adequate 2. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: Toge<th>er, Airwor<th>y, <Th>an, Ba<th? D. Bath B. Airworthy C. Than A. Together 3. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: Leave<s>, Promote<s>, Decide<s>, Believe<s? B. Promotes C. Decides A. Leaves D. Believes 4. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: Visit<ed>, Show<ed>, Wonder<ed,> Studi<ed? B. Showed D. Studied C. Wondered A. Visited 5. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: Hou<se>, Hor<se>, Plea<se>, Cau<se? D. Cause A. House B. Horse C. Please 6. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: Learn<ed, >Need<ed>, Wretch<ed>, Ragg<ed? C. Wretched B. Needed D. Ragged A. Learned 7. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: Build<s>, Paint<s>, Destroy<s>, Occur<s? C. Destroys D. Occurs A. Builds B. Paints 8. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: F<ea>ther, H<ea>d, H<ea>lthy, Gr<ea>? B. Head C. Healthy D. Great A. Feather 9. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: Su<cc>eed, A<cc>ept, A<cc>ount, A<cc>iden? B. Accept C. Account A. Succeed D. Accident 10. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: Educ<ate>, Elimin<ate>, Certific<ate>, Deliber<ate? A. Educate C. Certificate B. Eliminate D. Deliberate 11. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: F<or>k, W<or>ld, Sp<or>t, N<or>th? C. Sport D. North B. World A. Fork 12. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: B<or>der, F<or>get, Comf<or>t, F<or>ward? D. Forward A. Border B. Forget C. Comfort 13. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: Add<ed>, Locat<ed>, Visited<ed>, Paus<ed? B. Located D. Paused A. Added C. Visiteded 14. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: Belov<ed>, Book<ed>, Stopp<ed>, Wash<ed? B. Booked C. Stopped D. Washed A. Beloved 15. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: Succeed<ed>, Prefer<ed>, Explain<ed>, Arriv<ed? C. Explained A. Succeeded D. Arrived B. Prefered 16. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: E<ng>lish, Si<ng>er, Progressi<ng>, Swimmi<ng? C. Progressing B. Singer D. Swimming A. English 17. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: Mass<age>, Mess<age>, Man<age>, Vill<age? C. Manage A. Massage B. Message D. Village 18. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: Igl<oo>, St<oo>d, L<oo>k, F<oo>? D. Foot B. Stood C. Look A. Igloo 19. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: Loathe<s>, Decide<s>, Return<s>, Pick<s? D. Picks C. Returns B. Decides A. Loathes 20. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: Dogg<ed>, Studi<ed>, Want<ed>, Depend<ed? C. Wanted B. Studied D. Depended A. Dogged 21. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: H<ea>vy, H<ea>dache, W<ea>ther, M<ea>ning? A. Heavy D. Meaning C. Weather B. Headache 22. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: C<our>age, Hon<our>, Fav<our>, Col<our? C. Favour A. Courage D. Colour B. Honour 23. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: Shri<n>k, A<n>xiety, Pe<n>guin, Co<n>gratulate? D. Congratulate C. Penguin B. Anxiety A. Shrink 24. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: <U>nit, <U>niform, <U>mbrella, <U>nique? C. Umbrella D. Unique A. Unit B. Uniform 25. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: S<i>gn post, H<i>ghland, Tr<i>vial, M<i>nor? C. Trivial B. Highland D. Minor A. Sign post 26. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: Play<ed>, Bless<ed>, Smil<ed>, Climb<ed? C. Smiled A. Played B. Blessed D. Climbed 27. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: Dr<ought>, B<ought>, F<ought>ought,T<ought? D. Tought A. Drought B. Bought C. Foughtought 28. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: F<a>cility, T<a>lk, Baseb<a>ll, W<a>l? D. Wall B. Talk A. Facility C. Baseball 29. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: M<on>key, M<on>day, Am<on>g, C<on>tain? A. Monkey B. Monday D. Contain C. Among 30. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: Facilit<a>te, Combin<a>tion, Encour<a>ging, N<a>tur? A. Facilitate D. Nature C. Encouraging B. Combination 31. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: M<u>ch, C<u>te, C<u>t, B<u>? A. Much B. Cute C. Cut D. Bug 32. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: Sacrific<ed>, Finish<ed>, Fix<ed>, Seiz<ed? D. Seized C. Fixed B. Finished A. Sacrificed 33. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: Adven<ture>, Ma<ture>, Agricul<ture>, Furni<ture? C. Agriculture D. Furniture A. Adventure B. Mature 34. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: Wash<ed>, Crook<ed>, Pass<ed>, Bark<ed? A. Washed B. Crooked D. Barked C. Passed 35. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: Com<ment>, Ce<ment> , <Ment>al, Environ<ment? D. Environment A. Comment C. Mental B. Cement 36. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: <Un>fair, <Un>less, <Un>do, <Un>fair? D. Unfair A. Unfair B. Unless C. Undo 37. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: Pack<ed>, Punch<ed>, Pleas<ed>, Push<ed? C. Pleased D. Pushed A. Packed B. Punched 38. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: Lov<ed>, Teas<ed>, Wash<ed>, Rain<ed? C. Washed A. Loved D. Rained B. Teased 39. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: Wh<e>never, S<e>ttle, B<e>come, F<e>llo? D. Fellow C. Become B. Settle A. Whenever 40. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: Hop<ed>, Walk<ed>, Nak<ed>, Pass<ed? B. Walked A. Hoped C. Naked D. Passed 41. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: Resc<ue>, Que<ue>, Bl<ue>tooth, D<ue? C. Bluetooth D. Due B. Queue A. Rescue 42. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: P<age>, Band<age>, Pack<age>, Carri<age? C. Package D. Carriage B. Bandage A. Page 43. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: Bro<ch>ure, <Ch>urch, <Ch>ampion, Wat<ch>in? A. Brochure C. Champion D. Watching B. Church 44. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: L<o>st, P<o>st, M<o>st, H<o>st? C. Most A. Lost D. Host B. Post 45. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: <Ch>emistry, <Ch>icken, <Ch>oir, <Ch>ore? D. Chore C. Choir B. Chicken A. Chemistry 46. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: N<ear>, H<ear>, App<ear>, B<ear? A. Near C. Appear D. Bear B. Hear 47. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: Fill<ed>, Nak<ed>, Suit<ed>, Wick<ed? D. Wicked B. Naked A. Filled C. Suited 48. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: Wick<ed>, Wash<ed>, Brush<ed>, Stopp<ed? C. Brushed D. Stopped A. Wicked B. Washed 49. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: Dicu<ss>, Pe<ss>imistic, Pre<ss>ure, Po<ss>ible? B. Pessimistic C. Pressure D. Possible A. Dicuss 50. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: Gr<a>mmar, D<a>mage, M<a>mmal, Dr<a>ma? A. Grammar C. Mammal D. Drama B. Damage 51. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: Promi<se>, B. Plea<se>, C. Hor<se>, D. Lea<se? A. Promise C. Horse B. Please D. Lease 52. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: C<o>llect, <O>perate, H<o>bby, V<o>luntee? D. Volunteer A. Collect C. Hobby B. Operate 53. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: Conv<e>nient, Pr<e>ference, <E>ducation, D<e>sert? A. Convenient B. Preference C. Education D. Desert 54. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: Cr<ea>ture, Cr<ea>tion, Scr<ea>m, Rel<ea>se? C. Scream B. Creation D. Release A. Creature 55. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: Caus<ed>, Increas<ed>, Practis<ed>, Promis<ed? C. Practised D. Promised A. Caused B. Increased 56. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: R<u>ral, Br<u>tal, R<u>de, Incl<u>d? B. Brutal C. Rude A. Rural D. Include 57. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: N<ow>adays, H<ow>ever, Sorr<ow>, D<ow>nstairs? D. Downstairs C. Sorrow A. Nowadays B. However 58. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: <Ch>aos, <Ch>ange, <Ch>ild, <Ch>eap? B. Change D. Cheap A. Chaos C. Child 59. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: Ass<ure>, Cult<ure>, Furnit<ure>, Pict<ure? C. Furniture D. Picture B. Culture A. Assure 60. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: Br<ea>k, D<ea>l, Cl<ea>n, Rel<ea>se? C. Clean A. Break D. Release B. Deal 61. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: F<oo>d, M<oo>d, F<oo>t, B<oo>? B. Mood C. Foot A. Food D. Boot 62. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: Fr<u>strate, F<u>lfill, P<u>nctual, R<u>bbish? C. Punctual A. Frustrate D. Rubbish B. Fulfill 63. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: Plent<y, >Fair<y>, Sk<y>, Weekl<y? C. Sky D. Weekly B. Fairy A. Plenty 64. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: Man<ure>, Mat<ure> , P<ure>, Nat<ure? D. Nature C. Pure B. Mature A. Manure 65. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: Compr<i>se, Incl<i>ne, Bew<i>ndered, M<i>ne? B. Incline A. Comprise D. Mine C. Bewindered 66. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: Maint<ain, >Cont<ain>, Obt<ain>, Mount<ain? B. Contain C. Obtain A. Maintain D. Mountain Time's up # Tổng Hợp# Môn Khác