Ngữ âm – Bài 1FREETiếng Anh FA 1. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: miss<ed>, fill<ed>, publish<ed>, watch<ed? A. missed D. watched C. published B. filled 2. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: f<oo>t, st<oo>d, w<oo>d, f<oo>d? D. food B. stood C. wood A. foot 3. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: new<s>, song<s>, feeling<s>, delight<s? D. delights B. songs C. feelings A. news 4. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: h<oo>d, h<oo>k, st<oo>d, t<oo>l? D. tool A. hood C. stood B. hook 5. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: sou<th>ern, grow<th>, wi<th>in, al<th>ough? D. although A. southern C. within B. growth 6. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: whis<t>le, li<t>tle, gen<t>le, ba<t>tl? C. gentle D. battle B. little A. whistle 7. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: even<t>ually, inven<t>ion, prepara<t>ion, ini<t>iat? B. invention C. preparation A. eventually D. initiate 8. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: travel<ed>, star<ed>, land<ed>, seem<ed? A. traveled B. stared C. landed D. seemed 9. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: <a>nimal, char<a>cter, im<a>gine, person<a>lity? B. character D. personality C. imagine A. animal 10. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: swallow<ed>, practic<ed>, finish<ed,> punch<ed? B. practiced C. finished D. punched A. swallowed 11. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: month<s>, book<s>, pen<s>, shirt<s? C. pens B. books A. months D. shirts 12. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: export<ed>, enjoy<ed>, exist<ed>, crowd<ed? A. exported B. enjoyed C. existed D. crowded 13. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: cl<i>mate, l<i>veable, c<i>ty, d<i>scussion? C. city B. liveable A. climate D. discussion 14. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: lun<ch>, kit<ch>en, te<ch>nology, pur<ch>ase? B. kitchen C. technology D. purchase A. lunch 15. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: f<i>nd, th<i>nk, dr<i>ve, m<i>nd? B. think C. drive A. find D. mind 16. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: talk<s>, take<s>, decide<s>, complete<s? B. takes A. talks D. completes C. decides 17. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: f<or>m, sh<or>tcoming, ch<or>e, sect<or? B. shortcoming C. chore D. sector A. form 18. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: <o>bjection, <o>bey, imp<o>se, f<o>rbid? C. impose D. forbid A. objection B. obey 19. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: sp<e>cies, inv<e>nt, m<e>dicine, t<e>nnis? C. medicine D. tennis A. species B. invent 20. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: rh<i>noceros, w<i>lderness, d<i>gestion, d<i>versity? B. wilderness D. diversity C. digestion A. rhinoceros 21. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: <e>leven, <e>lephant, <e>xamine, <e>xact? C. examine A. eleven D. exact B. elephant 22. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: c<a>pable, c<a>pital, c<a>binet, c<a>ptain? B. capital D. captain C. cabinet A. capable 23. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: <h>onest, <h>ome, ve<h>icles, <h>eiress? C. vehicles A. honest B. home D. heiress 24. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: We<d>nesday, han<d>some, depen<d>ent, gran<d>child? C. dependent A. Wednesday D. grandchild B. handsome 25. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: <a>ccurate, d<a>te, t<a>le, sh<a>pe? D. shape B. date C. tale A. accurate 26. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: sound<s>, obstacle<s>, situation<s,> secret<s? B. obstacles C. situations D. secrets A. sounds 27. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: rain<ed>, jump<ed>, arriv<ed>, follow<ed? C. arrived D. followed A. rained B. jumped 28. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: support<ed>, approach<ed>, notic<ed>, finish<e? B. approached A. supported C. noticed D. finished 29. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: priva<c>y, pier<c>e, advi<c>e, a<c>tivity? D. activity C. advice A. privacy B. pierce 30. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: need<ed>, decid<ed>, invent<ed>, caus<ed? D. caused C. invented B. decided A. needed 31. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: j<u>stice, camp<u>s, c<u>lture, br<u>sh? D. brush A. justice C. culture B. campus 32. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: w<a>lk, c<a>ll, t<a>ke, t<a>lk? B. call C. take A. walk D. talk 33. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: s<ch>olarship, me<ch>anic, te<ch>nology, <ch>ampionship? A. scholarship C. technology B. mechanic D. championship 34. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: defini<tion>, sugges<tion>, situa<tion>, produc<tion? C. situation A. definition D. production B. suggestion 35. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: wick<ed>, sacr<ed>, belov<ed>, help<ed? D. helped B. sacred A. wicked C. beloved 36. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: d<ea>l, t<ea>ch, br<ea>k, cl<ea>n? B. teach D. clean C. break A. deal 37. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: c<o>llect, <o>perate, h<o>bby, v<o>luntee? A. collect C. hobby B. operate D. voluntee 38. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: m<i>neral, m<i>nimum, m<i>niature, m<i>nor? A. mineral D. minor C. miniature B. minimum 39. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: <s>olar, infra<s>tructure, de<s>igner, focu<s? D. focus A. solar B. infrastructure C. designer 40. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: rhinocero<s>, biologi<s>t, re<s>erve, dige<s>? C. reserve D. digest B. biologist A. rhinoceros 41. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: t<ea>, l<ea>ther, l<ea>ve, l<ea>d? B. leather C. leave D. lead A. tea 42. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: interfer<ed>, approach<ed>, establish<ed>, sacrific<ed? B. approached D. sacrificed A. interfered C. established 43. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: push<ed>, miss<ed>, wash<ed>, nak<ed? B. missed C. washed D. naked A. pushed 44. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: cr<ow> B. d<ow>n C. cr<ow>d D. br<ow>s? B. down C. crowd A. crow D. browse 45. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: wind<s>urfing, re<s>erve, philo<s>opher, wilderne<ss? D. wilderness B. reserve A. windsurfing C. philosopher 46. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: b<om>b, t<om>b, c<om>bat, c<om>ment? A. bomb B. tomb C. combat D. comment 47. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: miss<ed>, cough<ed>, help<ed>, seem<ed? A. missed C. helped D. seemed B. coughed 48. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: o<c>ean, offi<c>ial, sin<c>ere, an<c>ient? B. official C. sincere A. ocean D. ancient 49. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: j<u>stice, camp<u>s, c<u>lture, br<u>sh? A. justice D. brush B. campus C. culture 50. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: w<o>rk, f<o>rm, st<o>rk, f<o>rce? D. force B. form C. stork A. work 51. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: c<a>rry, m<a>rriage, p<a>rrot, b<a>rber? C. parrot B. marriage D. barber A. carry 52. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: informan<t>, essen<t>ial, ins<t>ant, resis<t>ance? C. instant D. resistance B. essential A. informant 53. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: a<ss>ure, pre<ss>ure, posse<ss>ion, a<ss>ist? B. pressure D. assist A. assure C. possession 54. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: play<ed>, need<ed>, want<ed>, belov<ed? D. beloved A. played C. wanted B. needed 55. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: arrive<s>, like<s>, laugh<s>, help<s? B. likes C. laughs D. helps A. arrives 56. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: st<oo>l, bamb<oo>, g<oo>d, l<oo>se? C. good A. stool D. loose B. bamboo 57. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: vill<a>ge, lugg<a>ge, eng<a>ge, dam<a>g? B. luggage C. engage A. village D. damage 58. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: d<a>te, f<a>ce, p<a>ge, m<a>p? A. date B. face C. page D. map 59. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: <ch>oice, a<ch>ieve, ea<ch>, <Ch>emistr? D. Chemistry A. choice C. each B. achieve 60. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: <c>ivilization, s<c>uba-diving, dedi<c>ation, in<c>redible? C. dedication D. incredible A. civilization B. scuba-diving 61. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: d<e>gree, cr<i>tical, fert<i>le, min<i>mum? A. degree D. minimum B. critical C. fertile 62. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: walk<ed>, involv<ed>, miss<ed>, jump<ed? A. walked D. jumped B. involved C. missed 63. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: <e>ffective, <e>radicate, <e>nthusiastic, <e>ffort? C. enthusiastic B. eradicate D. effort A. effective 64. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: can<al>, journ<al>, refus<al>, infern<al? B. journal D. infernal A. canal C. refusal 65. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: dress<ed>, dropp<ed>, match<ed>, join<ed? D. joined C. matched B. dropped A. dressed 66. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: promis<ed>, rais<ed>, devis<ed>, advis<ed? C. devised B. raised A. promised D. advised Time's up # Tổng Hợp# Môn Khác