Ngữ âm – Bài 2FREETiếng Anh FA 1. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: m<a>laria, er<a>dicate, ch<a>racter, spect<a>cula? B. eradicate A. malaria C. character D. spectacular 2. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: Cough<ed>, Plough<ed>, Laugh<ed>, Fix<ed? A. Coughed C. Laughed D. Fixed B. Ploughed 3. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: Ques<tion>, Men<tion>, Produc<tion>, Cap<tion? C. Production A. Question D. Caption B. Mention 4. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: Kill<ed>, Hurri<ed>, Hatr<ed>, Plann<ed? D. Planned C. Hatred A. Killed B. Hurried 5. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: S<ay>s, Pl<ay>s, P<ay>s, Del<ay>? B. Plays D. Delays A. Says C. Pays 6. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: form<ed>, nak<ed>, record<ed>, trust<ed? A. formed C. recorded D. trusted B. naked 7. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: A<n>xiety, Co<n>quer, Pe<n>guin, Bu<n>ny? D. Bunny C. Penguin A. Anxiety B. Conquer 8. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: h<o>tel, p<o>st, l<o>cal, pr<o>minent? A. hotel D. prominent B. post C. local 9. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: advent<ure>, fut<ure>, mat<ure>, fig<ure? A. adventure C. mature B. future D. figure 10. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: Lis<t>en, Essen<t>ial, Of<t>en, Cas<t>le? C. Often A. Listen B. Essential D. Castle 11. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: c<o>ntribute, <o>pponent, g<o>rilla, c<o>mpliment? C. gorilla B. opponent D. compliment A. contribute 12. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: wait<ed>, mend<ed>, object<ed>, fac<ed? C. objected D. faced B. mended A. waited 13. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: fill<ed>, miss<ed>, look<ed>, watch<ed? B. missed D. watched A. filled C. looked 14. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: Wea<th>er, Sunba<th>e, Brea<th>e<, >Apa<th>? D. Apathy C. Breathe B. Sunbathe A. Weather 15. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: bush<es>, bus<es>, lorri<es>, charg<es? C. lorries D. charges A. bushes B. buses 16. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: Hold<s>, Compliment<s>, Replie<s>, Sing<s? C. Replies B. Compliments A. Holds D. Sings 17. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: Sandwi<ch>, Handker<ch>ief, Mis<ch>ievous, <Ch>ildren? C. Mischievous B. Handkerchief A. Sandwich D. Children 18. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: interview<ed>, perform<ed,> finish<ed>, deliver<ed? B. performed A. interviewed D. delivered C. finished 19. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: an<c>ient, verti<c>al, <c>ompose, eradi<c>ate? C. compose A. ancient B. vertical D. eradicate 20. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: Accumulate<s>, Fortifie<s>, Compel<s>, Catch<es? B. Fortifies D. Catches A. Accumulates C. Compels 21. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: reserv<ed>, lock<ed>, forc<ed>, touch<ed? D. touched B. locked A. reserved C. forced 22. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: Walk<ed>, End<ed>, Start<ed>, Want<ed? C. Started D. Wanted B. Ended A. Walked 23. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: ex<h>aust, <h>eight, <h>onest, <h>eir? C. honest D. heir A. exhaust B. height 24. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: superst<ar>, h<ar>vest,, particul<ar>, p<ar>t? C. particular A. superstar D. part B. harvest 25. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: Ex<h>aust, Ve<h>icle, <H>onest, <H>omesta? D. Homestay A. Exhaust B. Vehicle C. Honest 26. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: Blam<ed>, Dogg<ed>, Play<ed>, Li<ed? D. Lied A. Blamed B. Dogged C. Played 27. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: F<ea>ther, Ch<ea>ter, L<ea>ther, W<ea>the? A. Feather D. Weather B. Cheater C. Leather 28. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: event<s>, <s>pirit, A<s>ian, <s>ilver? D. silver C. Asian B. spirit A. events 29. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: Wh<ere>, H<ere>, F<ear>, D<ear? B. Here A. Where C. Fear D. Dear 30. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: Coerc<es>, Prepar<es>, Diminish<es>, Pass<es? A. Coerces C. Diminishes D. Passes B. Prepares 31. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: ex<h>austed, <h>our, <h>igh, <h>onor? B. hour D. honor C. high A. exhausted 32. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: Cl<ea>n, B<ea>r, N<ea>t, M<ea>? D. Meat B. Bear C. Neat A. Clean 33. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: help<s>, laugh<s>, lik<es>, arriv<es? A. helps B. laughs C. likes D. arrives 34. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: bu<s>y, an<s>wer, per<s>on, ba<s>ic? C. person D. basic A. busy B. answer 35. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: watch<ed>, forc<ed>, work<ed>, solv<ed? B. forced C. worked D. solved A. watched 36. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: Th<i>s, M<i>ne, F<i>le, N<i>ght? A. This B. Mine C. File D. Night 37. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: Althou<gh>, Plou<gh>, Cou<gh>, Eventhou<gh? C. Cough D. Eventhough B. Plough A. Although 38. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: <K>nowledge, <K>ingdom, <K>itchen, <K>indergarten? C. Kitchen B. Kingdom D. Kindergarten A. Knowledge 39. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: l<ea>der, def<ea>t, m<ea>sure, cr<ea>ture? A. leader B. defeat C. measure D. creature 40. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: m<er>chant, s<er>geant, comm<er>cial, t<er>m? B. sergeant A. merchant C. commercial D. term 41. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: <A>ccurate, <A>ddicted, <A>ccount, <A>ccus? B. Addicted D. Accuse A. Accurate C. Account 42. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: m<u>ddy, p<u>nctual, st<u>dious, c<u>lture? B. punctual A. muddy C. studious D. culture 43. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: Leap<s>, Give<s>, Clean<s>, Prepare<s? A. Leaps C. Cleans B. Gives D. Prepares 44. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: yawn<ed>, damag<ed>, tax<ed>, blam<ed? B. damaged C. taxed A. yawned D. blamed 45. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: All<ow>, Holl<ow>, Foll<ow>, Yell<ow? B. Hollow A. Allow C. Follow D. Yellow 46. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: cruci<al>, parti<al,> financi<al>, materi<al? C. financial B. partial D. material A. crucial 47. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: <ch>emical, approa<ch>, a<ch>ieve, <ch>allenge? B. approach C. achieve D. challenge A. chemical 48. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: <Th>ink, <Th>ank, <Th>eater, <Th>erefore? C. Theater D. Therefore A. Think B. Thank 49. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: Drop<s>, Kick<s>, Bewilder<s>, Isolate<s? D. Isolates C. Bewilders A. Drops B. Kicks 50. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: declar<ed>, finish<ed>, link<ed>, develop<ed? A. declared B. finished D. developed C. linked 51. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: determ<ine>, exam<ine>, Valent<ine>, hero<ine? C. Valentine B. examine D. heroine A. determine 52. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: h<ea>vy, h<ea>d, w<ea>ther, <ea>s? A. heavy B. head C. weather D. easy 53. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: Dismay<s>, Agitate<s>, Biker<s>, Prevail<s? D. Prevails A. Dismays B. Agitates C. Bikers 54. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: y<ou>ng, pl<ou>gh, c<ou>ple, c<ou>sin? D. cousin C. couple B. plough A. young 55. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: bar<ed>, suppos<ed>, sacrific<ed>, maintain<ed? C. sacrificed B. supposed D. maintained A. bared 56. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: includ<ed>, want<ed>, decid<ed>, notic<ed? A. included C. decided D. noticed B. wanted 57. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: <a>rrange, <a>rise, <a>rea, <a>rrive? A. arrange B. arise D. arrive C. area 58. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: Curs<ed>, Succeed<ed>, Wretch<ed>, Smil<ed? A. Cursed C. Wretched B. Succeeded D. Smiled 59. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: miss<ed>, talk<ed>, watch<ed>, clean<ed? A. missed B. talked D. cleaned C. watched 60. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: Sof<t>en, Fif<t>een, En<t>er, Par<t>y? A. Soften B. Fifteen D. Party C. Enter 61. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: Kick<ed>, Laugh<ed>, Nak<ed>, Watch<ed? D. Watched A. Kicked B. Laughed C. Naked 62. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: hop<ed>, look<ed>, laugh<ed>, nak<ed? D. naked B. looked A. hoped C. laughed 63. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: approach<ed>, sacrific<ed>, unwrapp<ed>, oblig<ed? C. unwrapped A. approached D. obliged B. sacrificed 64. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: Sacr<ed>, Laugh<ed>, Bless<ed>, Learn<ed? A. Sacred C. Blessed D. Learned B. Laughed 65. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: Drink<s>, Endeavor<s>, Querie<s>, Leave<s? C. Queries D. Leaves A. Drinks B. Endeavors 66. Choose the word with the different pronunciation: Open<ed>, Crook<ed>, Pleas<ed>, Explain<ed? B. Crooked D. Explained C. Pleased A. Opened Time's up # Tổng Hợp# Môn Khác