Từ trái nghĩa – Bài 3FREETiếng Anh FA 1. The US troops are using much more <sophisticated> weapons in the Far East? C. complicated D. straightforward B. expensive A. difficult to operate 2. They are launching a campaign to <promote> awareness of environmental issues? C. hinder A. encourage B. publicize D. strengthen 3. We are now a <24/7 society> where shops and services must be available all hours? D. a working society C. a physical society A. an active society B. an inactive society 4. He had never experienced such <discourtesy> towards the president as it occurred at the annual meeting in May? B. rudeness D. encouragement C. measurement A. politeness 5. He is <over the moon> about his examination result? A. stressed D. satisfied B. very sad C. very happy 6. Unless the two signatures are <identical>, the bank won’t honor the check? D. genuine C. fake B. as like as chalk and cheese A. similar 7. My mom is always <bad-tempered> when I leave my room untidy? A. feeling embarrassed B. talking too much C. very happy D. easily annoyed 8. Those who <advocate> for doctor-assisted suicide say the terminally ill should not have to suffer? A. support C. annul D. oppose B. convict 9. After a grueling and busy week at work, the <stillness> of the river reminded Lara of the silence? A. uproar B. tranquility C. serenity D. tameness 10. Her father likes the head cabbage <rare>? D. over-boiled C. scarce B. precious A. scare 11. <Synthetic> products are made from chemicals or artificial substances? C. man-made A. natural B. made by machine D. unusual 12. Melanie thought the issue at hand was not morally just, and consequently she would never <endorse> the petition circulating throughout her neighborhood? D. create A. support B. oppose C. approve 13. The <dim> light made it hard to see, so Ben squinted to make out the stranger’s face in the distance? C. weak D. strong A. faint B. muted 14. There has been <insufficient> rainfall over the past two years, and farmers are having trouble? A. adequate D. dominant C. abundant B. unsatisfactory 15. The only means of <access> to the station is through a dark subway? D. output B. admission A. arrival C. outlet 16. Names of people in the book were changed to <preserve> anonymity? B. conserve A. reveal C. cover D. presume 17. Maureen usually felt <depressed> on Mondays, because she never got enough sleep on the weekends? D. understanding A. unhappy B. affluent C. glum 18. The soliders will do anything to <halt> the enemies from entering? A. stop D. kill B. start C. keep on 19. He was so <insubordinate> that he losst his job within a week? A. fresh D. obedient B. disobedient C. understanding 20. We are very grateful to Professor Humble for his <generosity> in donating this wonderful painting to the museum? B. sympathy D. churlishness C. gratitude A. meanness 21. We have to <husband> our resources to make sure we make it through these hard times? D. marry C. use up B. manage A. spend 22. There is growing <concern> about the way man has destroyed the environment? A. reduce D. speculation C. consideration B. attraction 23. I <take my hat off> to all those people who worked hard to get the contract? B. unrespect A. congratulate C. welcome D. encourage 24. No one knew <precisely> what would happen to a human being in spac? D. informally C. wrongly B. flexibly A. casually 25. With her sophiscated tastes, the singer has become an <omnipresent> icon of style and beauty? C. ubiquitous B. controversial D. unknown A. oblivious 26. The works of such men as the English philosophers John Locke and Thomas Hobbes helped <pave the way> for academic freedom in the modern sense? B. prevent C. initiate D. lighten A. terminate 27. At the managers\' meeting, the group decided against the new project as a <viable> option and decided on another direction to ensure success for the company\'s fall line? B. feasible A. impractical D. positive C. practical 28. He is not popular and has a lot of <enemies>? B. friends C. betrayers A. opponents D. attackers 29. We are very grateful to Professor Humble for his <generosity> in donating this wonderful painting to the museum? B. sympathy D. churlishness C. gratitude A. meanness 30. Fruit and vegetables grew in <abundance> on the island. The islanders even exported the surplus? C. excess D. sufficiency A. large quantity B. rareness 31. Most of the guests at the dinner party chose to dress <elegantly>, but one man wore jeans and a T-shirt, he was later identified as a high school teacher? A. unsophisticatedly D. gracefully C. gaudily B. decently 32. I am afraid I haven’t allowed him enough <initiative>, said Father Payne, that’s a bad habit of mine? B. encouragement D. cowardice A. determination C. beginning 33. He is <over the moon> about his good marks? C. stressed B. very happy D. disappointed A. satisfied 34. We\'d better <speed up> if we want to get there in time? D. lie down C. put down B. turn down A. slow down 35. The soliders will do anything to <halt> the enemies from entering? C. continue D. kill B. start A. stop 36. Maureen usually felt <depressed> on Mondays, because she never got enough sleep on the weekends? A. unhappy C. glum D. understanding B. cheerful 37. I can’t stand people who treat animals <cruelly>? C. gently B. reasonably D. brutally A. cleverly 38. A chronic lack of sleep may make us <irritable> and reduces our motivation to work? B. responsive D. miserable C. calm A. uncomfortable 39. Slavery was <abolished> in the US in the 19th century? B. eradicated C. eliminated A. instituted D. required 40. She wrote me a <vicious> letter? A. helpful C. dangerous D. healthy B. gently 41. Paid employment has <doubtedly> brought economic and social gains to many women? D. certainly A. independently C. freely B. hardly 42. The minister <came under fire> for his rash decision to close the factor? C. was criticized A. was dismissed D. was penalized B. was acclaimed 43. His new yacht is certainly an <ostentatious> display of his wealth? D. large A. showy C. modest B. expensive 44. Drivers are advised to get enough petrol because filling stations are <few and far between> on the highway? D. impossible to reach A. easy to find C. unlikely to happen B. difficult to access 45. <Adverse> weather conditions made it difficult to play the game? D. severe C. comfortable A. favorable B. bad 46. He is among <wealthy> members of the golf club? B. affluent A. adroit C. adjacent D. poor 47. The couple tried to <converse> in the busy restaurant, but they couldn\'t hear themselves speak so they went elsewhere? D. communicate B. stop talking A. talk C. chat 48. School uniform is <compulsory> in most of VNese schools? A. depended B. optional C. obligatory D. required 49. The clubs meet on the last Thursday of every month in a <dilapidated> palac? B. regenerated A. renovated D. neglected C. furnished 50. <Adverse> weather conditions made it difficult to play the game? A. good B. bad D. severe C. comfortable 51. The Red Cross is an international humanitarian agency dedicated to reducing the <sufferings> of wounded soldiers, civilians and prisoners of war? A. happiness B. loss C. sadness D. pain and sorrow 52. After many months of grueling work and painful injuries to her shoulder and back, Susan realized that her dream of swimming the English Channel was <unattainable>? D. confused B. unachievable C. realistic A. impossible 53. In some countries, the disease <burden> could be prevented through environmental improvements? A. something to stiffer C. something sad D. something to entertain B. something enjoyable 54. Nutritionists believe that vitamins <circumvent> diseases? C. help D. treat B. nourish A. defeat 55. <On the whole>, the rescue mission was well executed? C. At once B. In general D. In particular A. In fact 56. <Affluent> families find it easier to support their children financially? D. Impoverished C. Privileged A. Wealthy B. Well-off 57. My first impression of her was her <impassive> face? C. solid D. fractious B. respectful A. emotional 58. Her <thoughtless> comments made him very angry? D. thoughtful A. honest C. pleasant B. kind 59. He inherited a <lucrative> business from his father? A. lucid B. unprofitable D. profitable C. wealthy 60. Strongly <advocating> health foods, Jane doesn’t eat any chocolate? B. doubt D. denying A. supporting C. advising 61. She is a very <generous> old woman. She has given most of her wealth to a charity organization? B. amicable A. mean C. kind D. hospitable 62. In some Asian coutries, it is customary for people to worship their <ancestors>? B. elders C. heirs A. fossils D. forefathers 63. Doctors have been criticized for their <indiscriminate> use of antibiotics? D. unconscious C. wholesale A. disciplined B. selective 64. About 95% of all animals are <invertebrates> which can live anywhere, but most, like the dtarfish and crab, live in the ocean? A. with backbones C. without ribs D. without backbones B. with ribs 65. They need to <empty> stocks? C. refill A. remake D. repeat B. replenish 66. ‘What I’ve got to say to you now is strictly <off the record> and most certainly not for publication,’ said the government official to the reporter? A. already official D. not recorded C. not popular B. beside the point Time's up # Tổng Hợp# Môn Khác